Toronto Sketchfest Featured Presentation! Sunday March 9th @ 9pm
13 Plays About ADHD All At The Same Time is a 75-minute comedy of, well, thirteen plays, about ADHD, that happen, yeah, you get it: it's exactly what it says on the tin. It's basically as if The Muppets were trying to put on a seminar about ADHD. The hosts of the seminar wrestle with the other performers for control of the play, only to further unravel the show. The play features a dazzling array of genres, styles, and formats that simulate the experience of ADHD, guaranteed that if you don't have ADHD before the show you'll have it by the end!
Starring top comedians from Second City Mainstage, Sex T-Rex, and Circlesnake Productions: Sharjil Rasool, Danny Pagett, Jillian Welsh, Jon Blair, and Chloe J Sullivan.
Directed by Alec Toller
The Theatre Centre
1115 Queen St West
Incubator Stage
March 9th @ 9pm
Praise for Circlesnake:
“This work is smart and uncompromisingly paced, challenging to you keep up... bring a smart friend: this is one to keep talking about, and savouring, afterwards.” Karen Fricker, Toronto Star on Slip.
“No production in 2014 moved and inspired us quite like the beautiful surprise that was Circlesnake’s Dark Matter. A bold, strange concept and a unique creation process... an inspired finished product that was as funny as it was heartbreaking, as philosophical as it was experiential” - Kelly Bedard, MyEntertainmentWorld on Dark Matter (WINNER: Best Independent Production and Best Actress: Kat Letwin)
”Comedic gem... the laughs come quick and hard” - David Silverberg, Now Magazine on Special Constables